Sunday, October 25, 2015

sweet schizzamm

justine my queen
may she always
reign supreme

and with love
from above
my soul redeem

if this would seem
to be a scheme
then my ass
she should ream
and in my face scream

she is the dream
that makes me cream
upon the scene
whenever she is seen

my love obscene
does this poem mean

more than breath gets bated
if my love goes unsated
so I must not be hated
if I her ass hath rated
because agape is slated
with Eros to be mated

so I need not be upbraided

surely Justine
is just the teen
i had seen
when I was lean
and mean
but now
only a has been

the poets role
is to savor life
never have a wife
and love the strife
forever rife

as butter to the knife
as the lion to the lamb