Sunday, April 17, 2016

Untitled Unknown

Do you know me?
Do you think you’ve known me?

I see your gaze forever upon me
In the supermarket of bad ideas that I live in

I am the so called irresistible force (of cosmic destiny)
I fancy myself as well an immovable object lesson
To which you object all the more as I snore all the more for sure!

A lyin’ in winter
You will always be!

But I am the tyger tyger burning bright
In Blake’s forest of the knight;
Such a horrid sight
It would give Dante a fright!

You think you know
In what furnace burnt my brain?
Amidst the torment and the insane strain-

I am reborn upon this thorn like horn
The libido of a revolution that is the solution
For a world of pollution in need of absolution!

I can not rest content without some content
Of God’s great judgment day
Being under my sway today and to stay
So as to survive the hay-day of the fray to slay!

You know-did I say-
That indeed there is a way
To have it happen all in a day?

An Apocalypse of terror for those in error
In the stillness of the Knight within the night
That’s beyond wrong & right
 He’s indeed a sullen sight
For sorry souls given over to fright!

Cast a cold eye on life-
On death as Yeats would have preferred it-
Horsemen pass-by!

Ireland forever was my brother’s cry
Liberte, equalite, fraternate my sister’s sorry sigh!

I am the godsend of Lenin
An apostle of Mao’s;
In the language of class-war and the eternal whore
I speak of peace as being something one finds
On the battlefield of dead and dying bad ideas
And yet forevermore
As much as I have tried to forswore
You will see me nevermore!

Charles Stephen Knause