Friday, January 23, 2015

The Four Horsemen

Onward "Christian" soldiers
Marching off to war
How you gonna hold yours 
When you serve the Whore?

Of Babylon we speak
And the Mark of the Beast
That's on you!

Onward go ye "Christian" soldiers
Like a swarm of lemmings
In heat,

Or better yet a locust plague
Marching to a beat
Like the Four Horsemen
Safe on their saddle seat.

Bringing death and mayhem
To our planet Earth.
In you there is just darkness
Without a trace of mirth.

The spawn of Satin that you are 
To distant lands afar
Death, misery, pain, and suffering 
Is what your blindness brings.

For you no Blue Bird of Happiness sings
Cause you see people as merely things.

Warships of death with wings
Worship of the kings
And queens, presidents,
The high born of all ages.

You slew the prophets and the sages
Against you the Universe rages.

Abandon hope all ye who enter there
For you there is no prayer
Only History's condemnatory stare.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Chores I Abhore 

Vacuuming is one chore
That I abhore
To stay in bed and snore
Is what I adore.

House cleaning and its lore
Has nevermore 
Repulsed me.
I ain't no Mr. Clean-

You know what I mean?
This is one scene
That I want to split-
Splat and I'm done

With it.
And all domesticity 
Hangs in the balance
Between heaven and hell-

And my new found belle
Ain't too fond of the smell.
So what the hell
Clean up this mess-

I might as well.

Has it that I'm 
Back in the saddle

Riding high 
And living clean
Oh, my-I sigh
What does this mean?

I'm off to a good start
But then lay a fart
So me and my tart
Are now far apart.

She was fickle
As a pickle
To her name not a nickel
Had one pot to piss in-

Her ride?
An old bicycle!

Built for two
She wasn't 
And though a rank beginner
At least I got in 'er.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Happy Holidaze!

Two for the price
Of one!

What on Earth
Can cause such mirth?
My twin's awakening
Will be Earth a-shakening!

To dry the tears
And end the fears
The future nears
As an aion of years-

Separates one from 
The Other!
In Kingdom Cum
They will be done

And on Earth 
A piece of ass
To all men
Of good will!